We all want to get more Likes on our Facebook posts, right?
You'd be lying if you said no!
A big part of the game we play as Community Managers is trying to find ways to get fans engaged and involved with our pages.
Well, the good people at KISSmetrics have come up with a great infographic that presents some stats I think we all need to take note of.
Focus on WHAT you post
>>> Photos Dominate
According to reports, photos crush it on Facebook:
- 53% more Likes
- 104% more comments
- 84% more click-throughs
>>> Size Does Matter!
Posts with fewer characters get more engagement, according to KISSmetrics.
Based on their research, posts with 80 characters or less get 66% more engagement (Likes and comments) than posts with 81 or more characters.
It's tempting to post a 1000 character long post, but the reality is most won't read it -- much less Like or comment on it.
Takeaway: keep it short and get to the point.
>>> Ask More Questions
At Post Planner, we're huge fans of asking questions on our pages -- that's why it's the default selection in our Status Ideas Engine.
Asking people questions outperforms all other types of text only updates.
According to KISSmetrics, posts with questions get 100% more comments than non-question posts!
I'd say that's a pretty compelling reason to post questions!
Focus on WHEN You Post!
>>> Time of Day is Important
I'm not a fan of saying there is a "magic" time of day to post to your page. It all depends on your audience and your testing.
But, according to the research KISSmetrics has done, the peak activity on Facebook (comments and posts) occurs at 3pm.
>>> The Day of the Week is Important
In addition to knowing which time of day has the most activity on Facebook, you need to know what day of the week is most active.
According to KISSmetrics, Wednesdays are the most active -- as defined by the number of posts and comments published per day.
I should point out that just because the above time-of-day and day-of-week are "most active" doesn't mean it's the "best" time to post to your page.
In fact, it could very well be the worst time.
Why post when post activity is at its highest?
Doing so means you're posting when the competition is highest in the news feed.
I'd rather grab the low hanging fruit and post during less busy times when fewer posts are clogging up the news feed.
Like during early morning, late evenings and weekends.
Just something to think about.
>>> Less Is More!
KISSmetrics found that posting 1-2 times per day gets 40% more engagement over posting 3 or more times per day.
And posting 1-4 times per week gets 71% more engagement than posting 5 or more times per week (the infographic says per day here but I'm assuming that's a typo).
Personally I can't imagine an engaged business page only posting 1-4 times per week. Seems to me that would cause the business to drop off the radar and not be top of mind.
But maybe I'm wrong.
The full infographic is below -- do you agree or disagree with their findings?

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