DISCLAIMER: Post Planner doesn't recommend following the advice in this post for your main Facebook page. But creating an alternative page to drive traffic to your main page, website or blog could be a great option. It worked well for a hunting company in Texas, for example. Anyway, enjoy the post!
Do you run a local service business such as a computer store, hair salon or massage therapy provider?
Would you agree that owning a Facebook page that ranks #1 on Google for the most important keyword in your industry could help your business?
I hope you said yes!
Because having a top-ranking Facebook page in Google has to potential to gain you:
- more leads
- more web traffic
- more foot traffic
- more sales
And today I'm going to show you how to make it happen... in less than 30 days!
How I Got My Facebook Page to Page ONE of Google

Most people use Google when looking for local businesses -- and then click on the businesses that show up on Page 1.
If your business doesn't show up there, then you're not going to get a lot of clicks -- since most people don't bother to go to Page 2.
But what if you can't get your website to show up on Page 1? Is there an alternative?
What if instead of your website showing up there, your Facebook page showed up on Page 1? Would that be just as good?
My answer is "yes" -- especially if the page has your business's:
- contact info
- hours of operation
- photographs
- reviews
- history
- testimonials
- coupons and/or special offers
Luckily, all these items can easily be displayed on a Facebook page.
So why not create your own Facebook page to show up on Page 1 of the search results for the most important local keyword for your business?
To answer, I'll show you how I did it -- the steps I took to push a local Facebook page first to Page 2, and then to Page 1 of Google.
It didn't happen overnight. In fact, depending on your niche, competition & other factors, it can take some time to get there.
But it IS doable.
So what was my recipe for success?
Step 1: Start with the Name
This is probably the most important step.
Try to come up with a relevant, appropriate & highly searched for name -- one that basically includes the search term you want to rank for.
For example, if you run a computer repair service in South Elgin, Illinois, and want to be found for the search phrase "computer repair service South Elgin, IL" -- then name your page that.
Like this: Naming your page with the keyword term you want to rank for will get you started down the path to Page 1 on Google.
Step 2: Build Links to the Page
The next step is securing strong, relevant links from various sources to your page.
Just like you have to build links back to your website or blog, you have to secure links to your Facebook page as well.
You can get links from other websites & blogs, your own websites (if you have them), as well as from sites like Thumbtack, Yelp & Angie’s List.
These local service directory sites will help create the picture you’re trying to paint for Google.
How many links will you need? That depends on the level of competition out there trying to rank for your keyword phrase.
Basically, you will only know the answer to this question by mounting a link-building campaign -- so make sure to monitor your search engine rankings each week.
In our case, it took fewer than 10 links -- but they came from relevant & authoritative sites.
Also, the competition in our niche was not all that fierce.
Step 3: Engage Your Fans
Here's where many Facebook Fan Page owners fail.
They simply create the Page, add a few updates & photos, then leave the Page to die a slow, painful death.
If you’re different & actually use your Page to engage with fans, you'll already be steps ahead of the competition -- and well on your way to securing a spot on Page 1.
There lots of ways to engage fans & grow your page's fanbase.
You're on your way
Following these steps will most definitely get your Facebook page to Page 1 on Google -- if not the #1 spot.
But be patient! Rising to the top of search rankings can take weeks.
In our case, it took about 3 weeks. So the sooner you get started, the sooner you will reap the rewards.
My challange:
Go out and create a Facebook page -- and then follow my instructions above.
Then tell us in the comments how long it took to get your new Facebook page to Page 1 on Google (for your keyword).
I bet you can do it in a month!

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